How can I book a shipment with Cargo Line?

Please fill the Enquiry form and send in the notes section ask us any questions you specifically have, or send us a WhatsApp message at +97142331031

Can Cargo Line handle international shipments?

Absolutely yes. We’ve got a network of partner offices globally to be able to pick-up and deliver shipments to any part of the world.

I want to store the products temporarily in the UAE, does Cargo Line offer this service?

Cargo Line provides Warehousing and Distribution as a service to companies of different sizes ranging from Start-ups to global fashion giants. We do much more than storing products as we can undertake picking, packing, kitting, dispatch locally & internationally and can also undertake stock counts through our dedicated department called CountSure. Take a look at our Services page to understand our capabilities.

Where can I find the full Terms & Conditions of Cargo Line?

Cargo Line is a member of UAE’s National Association of Freight & Logistics (NAFL) and Cargo Line’s terms and conditions is governed by NAFL’s Standard Trading Conditions to be read alongside with Cargo Line’s Trading Conditions that can both be found at the link here.

How many years has Cargo Line Freight And Logistics been operational?

Cargo Line Freight And Logistics LLC was established in January 2023 as a spin-off company of Cargo Line Shipping Services LLC. Our team members have been a part of the Cargo Line group for over 20 years, providing us with extensive experience in the freight and logistics industry.

What type of shipments does Cargo Line handle?

Cargo Line can handle a wide range of shipments including general cargo, perishable goods, hazardous materials, oversized and heavy cargo, and more. Our team has experience with various modes of transport and can provide tailored solutions from pick-up to delivery to meet the unique needs of our clients.

What are global networks that Cargo Line is a member of?

Cargo Line is a member of:

1The International Freight Forwarders AssociationInternationalhttps://fiata.org/directory/ae/
2UAE’s National Association of Freight & LogisticsUAEhttps://nafl.ae/members-list/
3Global Affinity Alliance (WCA World)Internationalhttps://www.globalaffinityalliance.com/Directory
4NorthStar ForwardersFCL Focusedhttps://northstarforwarders.com/agency-list.php
5DigiFreight Global NetworkInternationalhttps://www.digifreight.live/member-list
6LATAM Forwarders ClubLatin America Focusedhttps://www.latamforwardersclub.com/download-agency.php
How does Cargo Line ensure the safety and security of my shipment?

We take safety and security of our clients' shipments very seriously. We provide packing guidelines, work with reputable carriers, and use the latest tracking technology to monitor the progress of each shipment. As an additional service we can undertake packing quality survey through independent surveyors across the world and can also facilitate in arranging insurance that covers transport of goods. The beneficiary of such an insurance policy is our customer.

What are some unique services of Cargo Line?

We are a customs broker in the UAE and can specially help with Ministry Approvals for regulated products such as food & beverage, cosmetics, specialty chemicals, agricultural seeds and many more. We also have a special division for stock counts called CountSure. These unique services make Cargo Line a perfect service provider for handling your shipments on door-to-door basis.

How do I sign-up with Cargo Line?

You can sign-up with Cargo Line in two easy steps

  • Send us your enquiry by filling out this form, or contacting us through WhatsApp on +97142331031. We want to be sure that we can cater to your requirements and agree on a clear Scope of Work.
  • Fill out our Customer Onboarding Form and give us 72 hours to review your form and activate your account. That’s it!